Tuesday, September 4, 2007

One more day till school starts...........

Do I sound excited?? I'm not really. I haven't even BEGUN to label my kids school supplies. I figure it is going to be an all day project. I really like school supplies and I enjoy doing the labeling, I just didn't get to it soon enough this year. I am one of those mom's that label each and every individual crayon in the 64 crayon box -yep! That's where I'll be till 2am! LOL!! What I did actually manage this year was to make covers for my kids notebooks! The three older ones needed notebooks for school so last night when I was at Jenn's I threw together 4 quick covers. And I CASED Lauren Meader's lunch box cards so when my kids open their lunch kit on the first day of school they will have a card with a note in it from me and Kevin. I'm feeling really good about that. My babies Max and Summer will be in Grade One. I'm a bit traumatized, I liked having them around every second day. Even tho Max is only 6 weeks younger than Summer, I see him as the family "baby". Probably cuz Summer is so mature. I really don't want to let him go. He was the last one I gave birth to and I feel really close to him. Yesterday we were snuggling on my bed and I told him I changed my mind, I wasn't gonna let him go to first grade cuz I wanted him to stay home with me. Wanna know what he said?? He said "I have to go to first grade or I won't be able to get a good job" ROTFLMBO!! You can see what I drill into their heads at a young age huh?? And Bailey my oldest, the one who made me a Mom, he is going to Grade 6. Yeah, I can't even think about that -boggles my mind. Where did the years go?? OK I suppose I have procrastinated long enough. Wish me neat printing!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Mellie, these notebook covers are SOOO cute. Seeing the last one off to start school is such a hard thing to do!!! Hope they all have a good first day at school (and you survive being home alone!!!)